
We have been conducting interviews with a wide variety of people who do outside support for various prisoner movements. The purpose of these interviews is to collect various perspectives on the same subject: how to support prisoners.

If you, or someone you know is involved in this work and we haven’t interviewed you yet, please contact us at: Interviews can be conducted over the phone or in person. We travel a lot and might be coming near your town!

VOLUNTEER! We need help editing, transcribing and summarizing the interviews so they can be more easily accessed by more people. If you like to type, or have the means to clean up fuzzy audio files, please contact and we’ll put you to work!

Anthony Rayson of South Chicago ABC Zine Distro

Bo Brown, former political prisoner, now working with women who’re getting out of prison.

Coyote Sheff recently released anarchist prison organizer

Ed Mead and Mark Cook former prisoners, prisoner advocates.

Lorenzo Kom’Boa Ervin from The Black Autonomy Federation.

Paulette D’Auteuil from Jericho Movement

Jenny and Petey from Sacramento Prisoner Support

Law and Disorder Conference sessions related to prisoner support:

Lorenzo and Jonina Ervin, of Memphis Black Autonomy: “Mass Incarceration is Prison Slavery” Recorded by Kboo radio.

James Patrick Jordan’s lecture “Prison Imperialism: How the US is Spreading a Repressive Incarceration Model Around the World” Recorded by Kboo radio.

Adam Carpinelli interview with Ahjamu Umi of All African People’s Revolutionary Party. From Kboo radio.