Monthly Archives: September 2015

Hunger Strike at Menard Correctional In Illinois



Hunger Strike Planned to Begin on September 23, 2015

Some of you will remember the hunger strike in January-February 2014 by prisoners in Administrative Detention at the Menard Correctional Center in Menard, Illinois. During and after the hunger strike, several of the hunger strikers were sent to prisons as far away as California, Virginia, West Virginia, and New Mexico. Others remain in Administrative Detention at Menard. Many of the 2014 hunger strikers wanted to know why they were there, and they wanted to know what they had to do to get out of Administrative Detention. Although the Illinois Department of Corrections now issues some notices, the notices still don’t answer those questions.

A form called Notice of Administrative Detention Placement Review, DOC 0432 (Eff. 5/2014), says, “This document shall serve as notice of your upcoming review for placement in Administrative Detention by the Administrative Detention Review Committee.” The Notice shows the Review Date for Initial Placement in Administrative Detention, or Continued Placement, or Transfer from Disciplinary Segregation. Next, it says,

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