List of Sept 9th Endorsements
Below is an alphabetical list of organizations and individuals who have publicly endorsed the Sept 9th nationally coordinated prisoner work stoppage and protest. If you or your organization would like to endorse the action, please send us an email at If you are considering it, but have questions, please see the Endorsement FAQ first, but then feel free to ask us follow up questions, at
National / International Organizations:
FreeAnons, the Anonymous Solidarity Network dedicated to supporting imprisoned hacktivists, welcomes the call for a coordinated national prison strike on September 9th in protest of modern day slavery. As an organization which aims to provide material and moral support to our sisters and brothers behind the walls, we are acutely aware of the degraded situation of not only our prison systems, but of the entire criminal justice system. We see the effects daily in the families we work with, in the stories we receive from inside, and the legal defense work we do to try and keep people out. Most of all, however, we see the growing determination and unity radiating from behind the bars, as the corrupt system forces a response. It is this determination and unity in which we find our inspiration (full text)
Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons see
We, The Human Rights-Racial Justice Center, endorse and support the September 9th national action. Thank you for your work on this. King Downing, Esq. Director, Human Rights-Racial Justice Center
The General Executive Board of the Industrial Workers of the World endorses the Nationally Coordinated Prisoner Work Stoppage on September 9th, 2016 organized by the Free Alabama Movement, Free Virginia Movement, and other revolutionary prisoner worker organizations and individuals. (full text)
It’s Going Down endorses the Sept 9th Work Strikes and wrote a great piece to raise awareness (full text)
National Lawyer’s Guild Stands with Prisoners in Struggle, Endorse IWOC National Prison Strike in September (full text)
The United Panther Movement led by the New Afrikan Black Panther Party Prison Chapter (NABPP-PC) endorses the Nationally Coordinated Prisoner Work Stoppage on September 9th, 2016 organized by the Free Alabama Movement, Free Virginia Movement, and other revolutionary prisoner worker organizations and individuals. Dare to Struggle and Dare to Win… All Power to the People! Defeat the Racist Capitalist-Imperialist Strategy of Mass Incarceration! United Panther Movement, PO Box 4362 Allentown, PA 18105
Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (,,
Stinney Distro Distro for Youth Liberation Twitter @STINNEYDISTRO stinneydistro-at-riseup-dot-net
Prisoner / prisoner support projects:
Wildfire Anarchist Prison Newsletter extends full solidarity to rebels engaging in all forms of revolt in prison this September and beyond.

Black Diamond Prisoner Support is committed to supporting prison-resistance support & solidarity up to and through Sept 9th…
Portland Anarchist Black Cross
Chicago Anarchist Black Cross fully endorses the nationally coordinated prison strike on September 9th. We stands in solidarity with all of those being held behind prison bars and recognize that, due to the very nature of the prison industrial complex, all prisoners are political prisoners. Chicago ABC acknowledges the need to end not only exploitative prison labor but prisons themselves. Until every cell is empty, we are not free. Fire to the prisons!
Decarcerate the Garden State Letter Calling for NJ Sept 9 Solidarity Action in Support of Striking Enslaved Incarcerated Men and Women
Free Alabama Movement has been a leading voice in organizing efforts that have culminated in the September 9th strikes.
Free Mississippi Movement
Free Ohio Movement
IamWE Prison Advocacy Network
Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee stands in full support of the September 9th Strikes.
The Jericho Movement and Oregon Jericho
Kansas City Anarchist Black Cross:
Millions for Prisoners Human Rights Org.
Mississippi Southern Belles, from Diane N Randy Cox
Missouri CURE wishes to endorse this action.
Mothers and Families is part of the Free Alabama Movement.
Mothers Families and Friends Free Ohio Movement
The New York City Anarchist Black Cross (NYCABC) fully endorses the strike.
I’m writing to you on behalf of Planting Justice, an organization that hires folks coming out of prison at a $17.50/hr starting wage (plus health insurance) to build vegetable gardens in food-insecure communities. We are in support of the National Prison Strike coming up on September 9th. One of our formerly incarcerated staff wrote this statement in solidarity with the strike. Please feel free to share far and wide, and please let me know what else our organization can do to support this effort. In Solidarity, Nicole
We at Prison Reform Movement stand with ALL prisoners nation wide and the IWOC to support the upcoming Coordinated Prisoner Work Stoppage on September 9th, 2016. We believe that forced labor with no pay IS slavery and should be abolished. Conditions in this nations prisons and jails are abysmal and not conducive to rehabilitation. We call on all Criminal Justice and prison related organizations to step up and also support those inside.
Local & Regional Organizations:
All African People’s Revolutionary Party – Portland, Oregon
AMN Collective: AMNCollective.Tumblr.Com
Please add the Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative to the list of organizations endorsing this strike. For anarchist revolution! The Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (ASI)
The Des Moines Workers’ Alliance endorses and supports the September 9th national action. In Iowa, prisoners are organizing on the inside and we are aiming to build a prison movement on the outside with projects like our combined organizing/halfway house The Rev. Bob Cook House.
ICE Free NYC As an intersectional coalition, we call out the criminal (in)justice system and the immigration system as complicit in the oppression of our communities. We acknowledge the connection between the prisoner industrial complex and immigrant detention centers. Our brothers and sisters in prison have been disproportionally targeted because of white supremacy, cis-heteropatriarchy, classism, and other harmful institutions just as our brothers and sisters in detention centers. Further, we believe that only in dismantling these harmful institutions can we ALL BE FREE.
Labor for Black Lives, NYC
Monterey Peace and Justice Center “We would like to pledge our solidarity with the incarcerated workers strike in September. If there is more information that we can share with our community please send it to us. In solidarity, Board and Staff “Peace Central” on Facebook”
Madison County Alabama Green Party
NJ Badass Teachers Association
NJ Socialist Party Joins September 9th. Incarcerated and Enslaved Solidarity Coalition (full text)
Peace Action of Staten Island is proud to join many organizations across the country in a Call to Action for a Nationally Coordinated Prisoner Work Stoppage on September 9th, 2016, and we encourage other groups to also give their endorsement!! See the full statement here.
Showing Up For Racial Justice Minnesota
Solidarity Houston supports the prisoner work stoppage on September 9th, and stands in solidarity with those on the inside, until we live in a world free of prisons.
Southern Alabama Socialist Party endorses the Sept 9 the national general strike! Please include us on the endorsement list. We were among those at the Alabama Holman Rally during the labor strike earlier this year and will forever continue our support! In Unity & Solidarity, Socialist Party Southern Alabama Local Organizer- Mark Holder
Staten Island Against Racism and Police Brutality (SIARAPB) is proud to join many organizations across the country in a Call to Action for a Nationally Coordinated Prisoner Work Stoppage on September 9th, 2016, and we encourage other groups to also give their endorsement!! Read their full endorsement here.
SURJ KC, Showing Up for Racial Justice – Kansas City, endorses the Sept 9th prisoner work stoppage and protest. In solidarity, Alison on behalf of SURJ KC
UAW Local 4123 Read the endorsement.
Media and News outlets:
Abolition Journal. Read the full endorsement statement.
Commonomics USA <>, an education and advocacy organization dedicated to ending austerity and predatory capitalism, and building sustainable economic justice for all, would love to be listed as an endorsing organization for the September 9 prison actions.
The Hampton Institute (a working-class think tank) would like to endorse your planned action for September 9th. Please add us to your list of organizational endorsements. Our website:
Talk With Tenney channel on Blog Talk Radio (
Colin Jenkins, Founder and Social Economics department chair,
Please add my name to the list of endorsements: Rev. Colin Bossen, Unitarian Universalist minister, Medford, MA, it is long past time to abolish America’s brutal system of prison labor, private prisons, and mass incarceration. “…while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.” ~ Eugene V. Debs
Christian Noakes in Atlanta, GA
David Christian, Atlanta, Ga.
David Hensley– “I wanted to write to you to state my strong support for the planned prison strike on 9/9. I work in the agricultural industry and often alongside inmates who work for little or nothing. I have seen firsthand how agribusiness relies on their labor, and have also seen firsthand that almost none of these inmates really belong in jail to begin with. I stand in solidarity with the prisoners who are resisting slavery and exploitation of their lives and labor by the capitalist class.”
Please add me to the list of individuals endorsing the September 9th prisoner work stoppage. In solidarity, Eric M. Fink Greensboro, North Carolina
Lauren Broussard
Lauren Tenney, PhD, MPhil, MPA, Psychiatric Survivor.
Richa Chander, of Milwaukee, WI. As an individual, i endorse the planned September 9 prisoner strike. Please keep me informed. Peace, Richa
Samuel erbs
William Wagner