I am currently housed at the largest prison in the State of Texas. Prisoners who work at the Metal Fabrication Plant here on Coffield Unit were told this past week by the Plant Manager – Anthony Carlile and one of his Flunkies – Mr. Fields – “If any of you inmates decide to participate in a work stoppage on September 9th we will give you a major disciplinary case and ship you so Fast your head will spin – now get your asses back to work!!” end of quote.
Ladies and Gentlemen – Texas Correctional Industries is traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Why can’t these men be paid something?
And this is only one example of why you are seeing these work stoppages in Prisons throughout America – Slavery is still Alive!
Texas is not the only prison system in the U.S.which degrades, dehumanizes and exploits its prisoners. This is a pervasive and systemic problem.
My intention is to utilize non-violent means such as withdrawing our Free Labor Legislators to the negotiating table.
Texas has the largest prison population in America! If there is a Movement that exists which seeks to End Mass Incarceration in the U.S., i feel Texas should be a Key Focal Point of that Movement.
Our objective is to encourage the reduction of the prison population across the U.S. by urging policy makers and correctional officials to employ mechanisms, such as parole and compassionate release – it’s true in Texas these things already exist but are drastically underutilized.
I would like to see a Mass Unionization of prison laborers in Texas as we continue to see working conditions that are un-safe and hazardous. Texas Department of Criminal Justice employees don’t care about our safety – they only care about profits or saving money. Someone MUST protect the workers.
I firmly believe the Industrial Workers of the World is an organization that is capable of representing the best interests of prison laborers throughout America.
At the end of the day, Ladies and Gentlemen, we, the Prisoners throughout America are seeking dignity, respect, and humane living and working conditions. Our actions are a plea for Freedom, Justice and Equality. I leave you as I came – in the Spirit of Peace.
Ladies and Gentlemen – I humbly request help in delivering our message about our Movement to the Public at Large:
In solidarity – Malik