Category Archives: General

Fernando Bárcenas, Anarchist Political Prisoner in Mexico, Calls for Solidarity with September 9 Prison Strike in US

From Anarchist Black Cross – Mexico
Translated by Scott Campbell

Open letter to compañerxs.

Note: The use of the word prison in this text refers to all artificial environments that domesticate us so as to insert us by force into the capitalist system of production; this is a contribution to deepen the reflection of all living beings in the hands of economic powers and the technological project…

Compas, I greet you with insurrectionary love, that these words of war may reach you; greeting as well the coming days of insurrection, as ideas bloom in the fields like flowers we should not stop tending.

We do not know if there will be a victory, but what we do know is that they will not occupy our dreams and our lives…


The only truly free moment is when we fight for freedom, because we prefer to die rather than accept this way of life, and without realizing it we are already free, because nothing occupies our minds except the sole desire to set fire to reality…

But what hides behind this destructive war, behind the somber darkness of the human spirit? Is it not perhaps the reflection and poetic manifestation of beings taking back their lives and actively influencing the organization of the daily life?

If each person that bragged about their “freedom” became aware of their condition, it would be the beginning of the last war, our last opportunity.

I have learned that the potentials for a real force capable of opposing and negating capitalism are revealed in the course of the daily lives of the people.

They are simple linkages of ideas and actions; we don’t want to be palatable to the modern consumerist masses, that is why I believe a true form of self-organization can only exist among the most beaten-down and marginalized people, who daily live in a war driven by instinct and feeling rather than reason…

As an unspoiled and wild conscience, not too manipulated by educational systems, is always more likely to be open to anarchist positions…

To others, who instinctively sense, feel driven towards disobedience, it’s just creating the “spark” to ignite the flame…

But generally, to cause one to reflect, a prisoner, for example, we find that simple words aren’t enough, because this is someone who lives in the war every day and who knows the landscape much better than we do and that doesn’t happen through words, but through real actions and attitudes that are in line with what we think and say.

Many question the “tactics” or “methods” as if it were a competition and with that I’m not saying we should isolate and avoid conscious criticism, but to the contrary; the only problem is that we are dragging along bourgeois influences, like shackles around our necks that historically have permeated the organizational formations of those who call themselves libertarians…

Radically opposite that, I don’t thinks it’s necessary to rationalize all aspects of life. The social revolution is built daily, without manuals or dogmas, as much in our social life as in the shadows, and not because one has to be revolutionary by decree, but because the word revolution for me, and I know for many others, means to take an active role in this war, but always in our own way, and because of that we can’t keep closing our eyes when faced with any doctrine or scientific or religious ideology, as learning and knowledge are acquired in the popular trenches, in experimentation, in confusion, in spontaneity, we don’t want set goals or standards, because it would be sentencing ourselves to ignorance and slavery…

The problem of the great civilizations that have existed so far is that they have all based their worldviews on exact and quantifiable sciences…

The human feels such anguish at the insignificance of its existence given the absolute abandonment that is life under the prison regimes of the cities and prisons; and because of that it seeks refuge and relief by trying to give a fictitious “order” to life; it dedicates itself to seeking to understand everything and reduce it all to its world and size. If we focused more on simply enjoying the exquisiteness of existence we would find relief for all the evils created in us by civilizational domestication, and all the catastrophic wars that the human has brought to this earth by naively seeking to break the natural order of life could have been avoided…

And that is why in this imposed war, in which we live and suffer slavery and misery at the hands of a few who in the name of capital have bestowed upon themselves the right to direct our existence, it is still not too late to realize that the centuries of history that have preceded us have taught us that any form of government is always the same thing; the justification of the right to restrict and to punish in order to exploit…

As even the most primitive living organism instinctively knows that if it is not capable of adapting to its environment it will eventually become extinct; the question would then be: Will the human be capable of adapting to the conditions of artificial life imposed on it by the techno-industrial environment?

In wild nature and in ourselves the components exist that make the way forward possible. It is absurd to think about possessing all natural resources and materials in our environment, that is a colonial and anthropocentric vision of life and its reproduction will imminently bring with it the edification of the principles of authority and power and, as a consequence, slavery and war…

Our participation in the war must therefore be radically different from the imperialist way of war…it is not war for war, it is not war for its sake, but for our wild defense…

This is a call for revolutionary solidarity against the slavery and extermination imposed by economic plunder…in north america, latin america, the middle east, europe and all other places touched by civilization, know that we are preparing ourselves within these Mexican prisons, but that will be shown through action…

In the war with our prisoner brothers, the slaves of the United States, who are rising up and coordinating a national strike in the prisons of north america on September 9, 2016, and with all other prisoners and slaves in foreign prisoners…

Until we are all free.

Fernando Bárcenas Castillo.

Atlanta Shows Solidarity With Prison Rebels

Source: Atlanta Anarchist Black Cross

Continuing a tradition of confrontational noise demonstrations at correctional facilities in Atlanta, GA, dozens of people converged last night on the DeKalb County Jail to offer a small gesture of support, disruption, and solidarity with all those struggling against the American prison nightmare.

We do this for our friends, family and loved ones currently facing repression, in anticipation of the national prison strike set to occur on September 9th, and to show our comrades currently in revolt in Alabama and elsewhere that they are not alone in the fight against slavery and domination.

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Olympia WA, Sept 9th Events

Monday August 29th at 7 PM9 PM

300 5th Ave SW, Olympia, Washington 98501

Info Night! Get in the know with Prisoner Support and Resistence, here in the Pacific Northwest and across the world! Learn whats going down, the history and discuss ways to create a new world in the shell of the old!
Friday September 9th at 12 PM

Department of Corrections in Tumwater

Noise Demo in Solidarity with striking prisoners. Fighting exploitation and the prisons. Probably chalking and flyering afterwards at Starbucks (users of exploited prisoner labor)


Find Sept. 9th Events in Your Area

Originally published to It’s Going Down
Add Your Event: info[at]itsgoingdown[dot]org

People are organizing across the United States and the world in order to stand in the streets in solidarity with those locked behind bars who will strike on September 9th against prison slavery. Already, a wide range of actions have taken place in the run up to the strike. This includes large scale flyering and street propaganda campaigns, banner drops, noise demonstrations outside of jails and detention facilities, and informational events. All of this activity helps to build the capacity of the strike to bring in more people who can take an active role, as well as spread information about the struggle being waged by prisoners on the inside. These actions also bring many organizations, crews, and individuals together that before have previously never worked side by side and helps expose white supremacy as both a system of social control and racial apartheid and an apparatus of management that facilitates the creation of billions of dollars of profits.

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A Statement in Support of September 9th from Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain


“Where the conditions for revolution are not present, they must be manufactured.”
-George Jackson

Prison officials recently placed Siddique Abdullah Hasan, a death row prisoner held at Ohio’s supermax, in segregation. Siddique was framed as a leader of the Lucasville prison uprising in 1993 and has been a vocal supporter of the September 9th national prisoner work stoppage. His segregation should really come as no surprise as prison (mis)managers have long waged a brutal war on truth and on the captives who tell it. What is disturbing and highly instructive is that Siddique’s segregation didn’t originate with the prison warden, but with the FBI.

Yeah. The FBI.

This further proves something I suspected in 2012 when prison officials segregated me and tortured me for having an “ideology.” While I was being tortured at a state prison, the FBI was on site. In fact, the FBI assisted by providing the Ohio prison system with training manuals on how to break me. Know where the training manuals were developed? The CIA.

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Rally at AZ Prison Complex in Buckeye to End Toxic Prison Slavery

Bring signs, banners and drums to let these prisoners know they are not forgotten on the 45th anniversary of the Attica uprising.

This demonstration is in solidarity with the nationwide prisoner strike beginning on September 9 and is organized by the mother of a prisoner in this facility.

For more info contact:
(520) 393-3671  Continue reading

Portland: Northwest Convergence to End Prison Slavery September 9th

Slavery is legal in America. Written into the 13th Amendment, it is legal to work someone that is incarcerated for free or almost free. Since the civil war, tens of millions of people most arrested for non-violent offenses, have been used as slaves for the sake of generating massive profits for multi-national corporations and the US government. Today, prison labor is a multi-billion dollar industry which helps generate enormous wealth for key industries such as fossil fuels, fast food, telecommunications, technology, the US military, and everyday house hold products.

The strike, which starts officially on September 9th, the 45th anniversary of the Attica Uprising, is historic. The strike is being led by groups such as the Free Alabama Movement, Free Texas Movement, Free Ohio Movement, Free Virginia Movement, Free Mississippi Movement, and many more. Prisoners have asked that supporters hold noise demonstrations outside jails and prisons, protest, disrupt, and demonstrate outside of corporations that profit from prison labor, and also support the strike that is happening across the US.

This is not just a prison strike for better wages or conditions, it is a strike against white supremacy itself.

Upcoming Events in Portland to Support the Strike:

Thursday, August 25th, 7pm, Anarres Infoshop, 7101 N. Lombard St, Portland: This political education event will discuss the ongoing work in the Portland area connecting various struggles against the Prison Industrial Complex, immigrant detention and police violence. Speakers will discuss the importance of cross movement solidarity for collective liberation as well as how people can get involved supporting incarcerated, formerly incarcerated and friends and families of those locked up. The Prison Divestment and and September 9th coalitions in Portland will be present to discuss various projects and organizations to plug into.

Social Media Event Here

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Blood in My Eye 45 Years Later wit’ David Johnson of the San Quentin 6

Source: Block Report Radio

The People’s Minister of Information JR interviews David “General Giap” Johnson of the San Quentin 6 about the 45th Anniversary since the publishing of “Blood in My Eye” in relation to the 45th anniversary of the assassination of the late great prison human rights leader and Field Marshall of the Black Panther Party George L. Jackson. We talked about the George Jackson and Che Guevara’s concept of the New Man, as well as the chapter in the book that deals with after the revolution has failed. We talked about some of the teachings of the great Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh, his thoughts in regards to what’s going on in the streets today, and more. Tune into


Providence: September 9 Solidarity Action

ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH, we are calling on people across Rhode Island to converge in Downtown Providence to hold a rally and march in solidarity with the US-wide prisoner work-strike against prison slavery.

Slavery is legal in America. Written into the 13th Amendment, it is legal to work someone that is incarcerated for free or almost free. Since the civil war, tens of millions of people – most arrested for non-violent offenses – have been used as slaves for the sake of generating massive profits for multi-national corporations and the US government. Today, prison labor is a multi-billion dollar industry which helps generate enormous wealth for key industries such as fossil fuels, fast food, telecommunications, technology, the US military, and everyday house hold products.

The strike, which starts officially on September 9th, the 45th anniversary of the Attica Uprising, is historic. The strike is being led by groups such as the Free Alabama Movement, Free Texas Movement, Free Ohio Movement, Free Virginia Movement, Free Mississippi Movement, and many more. Prisoners have asked that supporters hold noise demonstrations outside jails and prisons, protest, disrupt, and demonstrate outside of corporations that profit from prison labor, and also support the strike that is happening across the US. Continue reading

Durham: Solidarity Action with September 9 Prison Strikers

March Against Prison Slavery, an ad hoc action in Durham, NC in support of prison strikers.

On September 9th, the 45th anniversary of the Attica Uprising, prisoners all across the country, from Alabama to California, from Texas to Ohio, from North Carolina to Washington, will go on strike. Called for and self-organized by prisoners as a struggle “to end prison slavery,” this may be the largest coordinated prison protest in American history.

Those on the outside have been working for months to spread the word and deepen networks of solidarity and support.  Above all, prisons are designed to isolate; the degree to which prisoners avoid violent reprisals and repression is directly related to how widespread and forceful our actions are on the outside.

This is also an opportunity to continue to challenge the racist regimes of policing and social control that govern our daily lives. The fires set in Milwaukee burn also at Holman Prison in Alabama. When Texas prisoners refuse to be slaves, that is also a refusal to be policed, and it echoes all the way to the streets of Durham. Continue reading