Category Archives: General
Dying to Live Hunger Strikers Kept on Brink of Death by Retaliatory DOC
From Dying to Live
Waupun WI- According to a letter from hunger striker LaRon McKinley, the Dying to Live hunger strike against solitary confinement at Waupun Correctional Institution (WCI) has become a serious health crisis after seventy-six days.
On August 15, the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (WI DOC) decided to suspend the force feeding they have subjected the prisoners to since June 17. They allowed McKinley and Cesar DeLeon, the two most committed hunger strikers, to go without food or water for 72 hours, until they were severely dehydrated. Then they tube fed them again on Thursday August 18.
“Presently, and for most of this week, we have been under retaliatory attack by our warden as a direct consequence of our political efforts… to force an end to prolonged Administrative Confinement,” the letter from McKinley reads. Continue reading

Detailed Update from Imam Siddique Abdullah Hasan and Other Hunger Strikers.
From Lucasville Amnesty
They have given me thirty (30) days restrictions. It was a deliberate plan to cut off my direct communications with the outside world prior to the national event/action, notwithstanding their own policy only permits them to suspend my privileges for a period of up to two hundred eighty-eight hours (See paragraph (C) of rule 5120:1-10-12 of the Administrative Code or disciplinary isolation.) This restriction policy became effective 2/16/2016.
I agree that prison officials are “so used to being invisible and hiding its corruption and abuses from the public”; however, we must reveal what happened in my recent situation. Thus continue to work with the media and attorneys to expose the problems in my case. (I plan on filing my appeal to the Warden on Monday.)
There are three of us–Keith Dewitt Jr., David Martin and myself–still on hunger strike. We are all Muslims and are dissatisfied with the contract Imam’s work performance, treatment of Muslims, and using his position to remove Muslims from their services merely because they disagree with some of his teachings. The others that were on the hunger strike were showing their solidarity about me being wrongfully put in the hole. They were demanding that I be released from isolation. When that materialized, they ended their strike.
Hereunder are some of the problems in my case: Continue reading

September 9 Announcement in Portugese
Pessoas, está rolando um chamado geral para diversas ações de resistência nas prisões dos EUA. Traduzimos o documento abaixo (junto com o amigo Fernando Henrique) e estamos divulgando. Leiam. O texto é uma preciosidade.
>> Este é um chamado à ação contra a escravidão na América <<
Em uma só voz, que se ergue das celas de confinamento solitário de longa duração e ecoa pelos dormitórios e pavilhões da Virginia ao Oregon, nós, presos dos Estados Unidos, decidimos, finalmente, acabar com a escravidão em 2016.
Em 09 de setembro de 1971, presos tomaram e fecharam Attica, a prisão mais conhecida do estado de Nova York. Em 09 de setembro de 2016, nós vamos iniciar uma ação para fechar as prisões de todo o país. Não vamos apenas exigir o fim da escravidão carcerária, vamos acabar com ela deixando de ser escravos.
Nos anos 1970, o sistema prisional americano desmoronava. Em Walpole, San Quentin, Soledad, Angola e muitas outras prisões, as pessoas se levantaram, lutaram e retomaram, das colônias agrícolas, o controle sobre suas vidas e seus corpos.
Durante os últimos seis anos, nós relembramos e renovamos aquela luta. Neste ínterim, a população carcerária inchou e as tecnologias de controle e confinamento se desenvolveram como as mais sofisticadas e repressivas da história mundial. As prisões, para se manterem estáveis, tornaram-se mais dependentes da escravidão e da tortura. Continue reading
Hasan Update: Retaliation Against Prisoner Leader Inspires Hunger Strike
Youngstown, OH- On Thursday August 18, 2016 the Ohio State Penitentiary (OSP) Rules Infraction Board (RIB) restricted Imam Siddique Hasan, of the Free Ohio Movement, from phone and email kiosk access. In response, Hasan and other Muslim prisoners have begun a hunger strike.
The RIB found Hasan guilty of violating Rule 59 of the OAC (Ohio Administrative Code) Section 5120-9-06 Inmate Rules of Conduct, which reads, (59) Any act not otherwise set forth herein, knowingly done which constitutes a threat to the security of the institution, its staff, other inmates, or to the acting inmate. ( )
According to the RIB conduct report, S. Ishmael, a freelance Imam who leads prayers and religious study classes at OSP and nearby Trumbul Correctional, accused Siddique Hasan of making threats against the institution. On August 1, 2016, Ishmael told OSP staff that Hasan had asked him to wear a suicide vest in to the institution. This conversation was supposed to have taken place during religious study on July 22. Hasan and other Muslims attending the class deny Imam Ishmael’s allegation.
“The staff Imam’s story is an absurd and offensive stereotype.” OSP prisoner David Martin told supporters over the phone. “If Hasan was supposed to have made this threat on July 22, why did it take nine days before the man told staff about it? What was he doing for those nine days?”
New Orleans: September 9th Prison Strike Banner Drop
From It’s Going Down
As residents of New Orleans, the incarceration capitol of Louisiana, and Louisiana, the incarceration capitol of so-called Amerikkka, we greatly look forward to seeing prisons across the country go on strike on September 9th. For those trapped within Orleans Parish Prison, we dropped some banners to lift y’all’s spirits; to those who drove by on their morning commute, it’s time to start acting out. This is also to let OPP’s head-pig-in-charge, Sheriff Gusman, know that this city is sick of taking his shit.

Being Safe When Taking Action, Words from the NLG
[Remember that the temperaments of different cities in regards to criminal law and legal matters varies, and it is important to have knowledge for your specific area, or the specific area where you are acting. Much of the material that follows is New York or Ohio Specific, and none of this is legal advice; and also remember never talk to the police.]
Here are all the more or less current Know Your Rights (KYR) things I can
think of, attached or as links.The way I have always done legal support for protesters is to educate
people using these, and at the same time, either be or find a lawyer who is
not only licensed in the state, but actually familiar with the local
courts. It is crucial to actually find someone who is qualified (like,
don’t get a housing attorney to advise you on criminal defense matters) and
politically on board (someone who actually knows and cares about the nexus
of expressive rights and criminal defense).
Continue reading
Private Prisons: Just Bit Players in Mass Incarceration
[Rather than sharing articles like this one about private prisons, we are re-printing this article from 2015. Do not get pacified by tiny changes.]
Social justice activists love to hate private prisons. The loathing is easy to justify. Making profit by locking people up and keeping them there is repulsive. Moreover, major private prison operators like the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and the GEO Group have a history of tragedy and ruthless behavior. From the early days of CCA when cofounder Tom Beasley described marketing prisons as “just like … selling cars, or real estate, or hamburgers” to more recent revelations of locking up preschoolers, private prisons have plumbed the depths of immorality. And they have thrown money at the project, spending millions on lobbying for harsher sentencing laws to secure their bottom lines, even bribing judges to incarcerate juveniles. Continue reading

Support for Trans Prisoner Cara Bockerstette
From SeanSwain.Org
“Hopefully Cara won’t have to be heroic by herself. If she is, shame on us.”
Aired July 2016 on The Final Straw
Write to Cara at
Cara (Adam) Bockerstette #A606000
Warren CI
P.O. Box 120
Lebanon, OH 45036
Listen to the audio, here.

Indiana: Two Rebellions in One Week in County Jails
Inmates in Indiana’s jails have been tearing it up this month, with two rebellions in a week.
The first riot occurred on August 1st in Vanderburgh County Jail in Evansville where, according to the mainstream media, inmates refused to be handcuffed, flooded their jail cell, put soap on the floor to trip the guards when they entered and used bed bunks and mattresses as barricades and shields.
The second occurred in Henry County Jail on August 3rd and 4th where inmates set fire to mattresses and jail uniforms on two subsequent nights. The first fire was set by male inmates and the second, the next night, by female inmates. According to their captors, prisoners were attempting to deactivate the locks on their jail cell.
As usual, the mainstream media made no effort whatsoever to interview the inmates involved in the disturbances or to capture the potential reasons behind their rebellion. For now, we are unfortunately left wondering what may have caused these individuals to choose to fight back against their captors instead of keeping their heads down.
Continue reading