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Humanitarian Food Refusal Campaign Against Solitary Torture
June10th Wisconsin prisoners held in long term Solitary confinement at Waupun Correctional Institution will start a “Food Refusal Campaign.” The wish to bring the horror of Administrative Confinement (AC) to the public’s Attention and end this torturous practice. Solitary confinement for more than 15 days has been deemed “torture” by the United Nations but Wisconsin the DOC has held many prisoners in isolation for decades. AS the debate and outrage grows nationwide, join us in supporting these prisoners who are making a courageous sacrifice to Wake Us Up.
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prisoner in “obs”- the”Treatment” for trying to harm oneself |
Madison Rally
1pm. Fri June 10
at the Capital Building
Contact: 262-443-7831
Milwaukee Rally
Noon, Saturday June 11
At the County Courthouse
Both events will have a life-sized replica of the tiny cell these prisoners spend years in. There will be families of AC prisoners speaking as well as activists, and legislators. ALL are welcome and needed.
Use social media to let your friends and coworkers know about this! Continue reading